Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Fish in Aquaponic Systems Clipart - animal, watercolor 
painting of a 
group of fishes 
in water. fotosearch 
- search clipart, 
illustration posters, 
drawings and vector 
eps graphics images
Fish tanks attached to a system, designed specifically for growing plants, where Fish food is the sole running cost, except from the constant stream of aerated water that needs to be added to the tanks, which likens the whole setup to a mini natural eco-system.

The fish are essentially an extra commodity, on top of the main product.  So it is not essential to make money from them.  Many Aquaponic growers use only small ornamental fish, rather than any fish they actually use or sell.  The very fact that they are using fish; means that they are;

1.    Organic

2.    Not having to buy plant food.

3.    Not having to change the water.

4.    Not having to be as concerned by the pH level, in the tanks and in the system.

So already, by incorporating fish into their system; they have increased their yields and lowered their costs, so significantly.  This renders the fish’s necessity as an actual product as irrelevant. 

Of course adding fish that you can eat or sell is a sensible thing to do.  Both of these are strong markets, this can only increase your overall profits.

Types of Fish

The kind of fish used in an Aquaponic system is important, because the fish can provide the grower with extra food & or money, as well as all the other benefits.

There are two main groups of commercial, fresh water fish: Fish for eating and Ornamental Fish.  Both have a market and both fetch a good price:

  • Commercial fresh water fish would include any river or lake fish, from anywhere in the world, grown to eat or to sell to eat.
  • Ornamental fish could be kept purely to feed the Aquaponic system and to look pretty, or they could be bread and sold to fish keepers and/or retailers i.e. pet shops.
Fish Tanks & Fish Ponds

An Aquaponic system can be set up indoors or outdoors, depending on what you want to grow.

Fish tanks

So long as the water is circulated properly; Aquaponic systems can be even rigged up to a household fish tank and it will work well for both the house plants and for the fish.  Such a set up would probably be best positioned, with the fish tank just below a window and the plant tray sat in full light from the window, so the fish tank would be shaded and wouldn’t become clogged with algae and so the plants above would get the maximum light and photosynthesize at their highest potential.

It is worth noting, however; that some houseplants will scorch if in direct sunlight so the positioning of such a system, as with any plant, grown anyway; is to position them in their own specific optimum quantity of light and to grow them along-side other plants, which enjoy those same light conditions.


Any pond which is well stocked with any kind of fish can be rigged up to an Aquaponic system.   It could be done from an informal garden pond or from a well organised system, set up in a commercial poly tunnel.

It is all about getting the maximum yield from your space.

Fish Food

Fish food is the only ingredient need to input nutrients into the system.

It is not essential, but I strongly suggest, that anyone doing this uses organic fish food, or even live food, such as worms or insect larvae.  Just giving them commercial fish food, would mean that you couldn’t call your self ‘Organic’.

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