Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Growing Salad Vegetables in Aquaponic Systems

Growing Salad vegetables in an Aquaponic system can be a very profitable crop, because they are very quick and easy to grow, many taking only a month from germination to cropping; in the heat of a poly tunnel or green house and because they don't grow very tall; they can be grown on shelves, which utilizes the available space to it's maximum.

There are a huge variety of green vegetables to choose from, which are often difficult to grow out side and are hard to find, particularly any which have been grown organically, like these will be.
Choices of green vegetables to grow would include tropical and Chinese Vegetables.  These fetch a high price and are growing in popularity, so they are a good thing to be getting into.
Any good seed catalogue always have a very good choice of these exotic salad vegetables.  
Exotic vegetables can be very tricky to grow in a traditional vegetable garden, in soil, largely due to the temperature and them not being able to with stand slug attacks, as our traditional vegetables can.
But in the perfect environment, provided with an Aquaponic system, as you can see; all appear to do very well indeed.

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