Thursday 6 October 2011

Joe and the Giant Fish

An Example of just how big Native Fresh Water Fish Can Get:
The fish show here, were not grown in an Aquaponics set up, but caught by my mate Joe, presumably in some North Devon Lake.  It just demonstrates how big they can actually get.  These fish were all grown in cold water, they would probably have taken years to get this size.  
Of course in a pond, in a warm poly tunnel; they are going to grow very much more quickly and by all accounts; they should be able to get just as big as these incredible specimens.
Low in fat and full of Protein; fish is much better for your health, than most other types of meat.

On my trip to see a fishing lake, for myself today; I saw no fish, the owner told me, this was because it was sunny and apparently they like overcast weather, before they feel safe enough to come to the surface.  I have noticed that in all Joe's pictures; the weather is gloomy.

I might know allot about plants, but I really know very little about fish, other than pond and fish tank varieties.  This certainly is an area, which I must research further and any input from Joe, will be extremely helpful.

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